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Fig. 4 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 4

From: The emergence of highly resistant and hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae CC14 clone in a tertiary hospital over 8 years

Fig. 4

Transmission dynamics of ST2096 clone. A Inferred transmission network of ST2096 in the hospital under study (for indirect transmission). Nodes and edges represent patients and indirect transmission routes with a probability more significant than the cutoff of 0.1, respectively. The thickness of the edges corresponds to the probability transmission. Patients who survived until the end of hospital treatment are marked with blue circles. Other patients had a deceased status. B The distribution of patient status, body site, and admission hospital ward in networks with different cutoffs for the transmission routes. C The relationship between the total node degree and betweenness centrality with hospitalization length, measured in days. The red line shows the fitted linear regression, and the shade shows 95% confidence interval. For a definition of degree and betweenness centrality, refer to “Methods

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