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Fig. 6 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Full-spectral genome analysis of natural killer/T cell lymphoma highlights impacts of genome instability in driving its progression

Fig. 6

Identification of clusters of NKTCL with coordinate genomic alterations. A Nonnegative matrix factorization clustering was carried out using somatic SNVs, INDELs, CNVs, and SVs in the 163 NKTCL patients (columns). Samples without candidate alterations were defined as cluster C0. Clusters C1–C4 with their associated representative genetic alterations are visualized. B Sankey-diagram of the clinical and mutational characteristics for NKTCL patients. The eight columns from left to right represent molecular subtyping clusters, Ann Arbor stage, sampling status, TMB, CNV, SV, chromothripsis, and focal amplifications respectively, with the total height represents the full 71 WGS samples. The curves with different colors show the correspondence relationship among different characteristics and molecular subtyping clusters. C Kaplan–Meier curve of PFS and D OS of all NKTCL patients from different molecular subtyping clusters. E Kaplan–Meier curve of PFS and F OS of primary NKTCL patients from different molecular subtyping clusters

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