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Fig. 3 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Full-spectral genome analysis of natural killer/T cell lymphoma highlights impacts of genome instability in driving its progression

Fig. 3

Mutational landscape of primary and relapsed/refractory NKTCL. A The top panel shows the frequency of non-synonymous mutations in each sample. The main panel shows the occurrence of major somatic mutations across different samples, with different colors correspond to different mutation categories. Genes involved in these mutations are grouped based on their biological functions indicated on the left. The overall frequency of these somatic mutations across all examined samples are shown on the right. The lower panel indicates the sampling status (primary vs. relapsed/refractory), sequencing methods (WGS vs. WES), and Ann Arbor stage (I/II vs. III/IV) of each sample. B The co-occurrence and mutual exclusivity patterns among the frequent mutations. The font colors of gene names represent the biological function depicted in (A). C Kaplan–Meier curves of overall survival (OS) by the mutation status of TP53, PRDM9, and STAT3. D Kaplan–Meier curves of OS by the mutation status of TP53-STAT3 and KMT2C-NF1. E The mutational landscape of somatic mutations with significant higher frequency in relapsed/refractory patients than in primary patients (Fisher’s exact test, P < 0.05). The mutational frequency of these genes in primary patients is shown on the left, while their corresponding mutational frequencies in relapsed/refractory patients are shown on the right. The mutated genes are ranked by the mutational frequency in the latter group

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