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Fig. 4 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Conserved methylation signatures associate with the tumor immune microenvironment and immunotherapy response

Fig. 4

The relationship between hypomethylation signature 4 activity and the tumor immune microenvironment. A Correlations between the immune activity and CD4 + regulatory T cell infiltration and Hypo-MS4 activity in LUAD, BRCA and HNSC. B Correlation between the gene expression levels of CD274 and Hypo-MS4 activity in LUAD and HNSC. C Correlations between the gene expression levels of PDCDELG2 and Hypo-MS4 activity in LIHC, BRCA, HNSC, and KIRP. D Correlation between the gene expression levels of IDO1 and Hypo-MS4 activity in BRCA and HNSC. E Significantly enriched Reactome pathways of Hypo-MS4-associated genes (Q value < 0.05)

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