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Fig. 1 | Genome Medicine

Fig. 1

From: T cell dynamics and response of the microbiota after gene therapy to treat X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency

Fig. 1

Sampling schedule for 14 SCID-X1 gene-corrected subjects studied for integration site distributions and TCRB CDR3 sequence composition. a Times of sample acquisition after cell infusion. b Population sizes of inferred progenitor cells deduced from marking with unique sites of vector integration. Integration site data is in Additional file 1: Table S2, and summaries of genes near sites of vector integration are in Additional file 2: Figure S1. The x-axis shows the time since cell infusion. The y-axis shows the population size reconstructed using Chao1 from the numbers of unique integration sites and replicate sampling. Samples are named for the site of gene correction (U indicates USA, F indicates France; the next digit indicates the trial 1 = SCIDn1, 2 = SCIDn2, and the next two digits indicate the patient number within that trial). Patients F107 and F110 suffered severe adverse events at months 68 and 33, respectively. Both recovered by the final timepoints listed

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